Total Design LLC consists of a core team of highly experienced engineers that have a
proven 15 year record of working together to accomplish the completion of projects that
range from several thousand to several million dollars.
The group has combined professional experience in excess of 90 years. Accomplishments
include systems with analog signals such as, temperature, pressure, flow, and radiation and the
communication of these data to central computers using wired and wireless techniques.
Skills include:
Sensor use, design and development.
- Radiation sensors; Scintillation, Geiger, Semiconductor, Ion Chambers.
- Commonly used industrial sensors; temperature, pressure, distance, proximity and flow.
Signal conditioning and A/D conversion
- Current measurement down to femto amps level.
- Ten decade log current measurement.
- Differential and common mode.
Microprocessor embedded hardware and software design
- 32-bit, 16-bit, & 8-bit platforms (Intel, Motorola, uChip).
- High level software development in C, C++.
- Embedded real time operating systems and schedulers.
- Industry standard compilers, GNU, Keil, Borland.
- Customized logic design using standard ICs and PLDs.
Industrial communication networking and protocols
- Serial networks; RS232, RS485.
- High speed networks; Ethernet, ModbusTCP, DeviceNet, Profibus.
Industrial control applications including PLC, motor controllers, PID loop, stepper motor drives
PC Programming for data collection and display
- Visual Studio & Visual C++.
- Intellution visualization software.
System design and integration
Customer site support
- Installation, training, start up, & troubleshooting.